Sunday, October 25, 2009

Monomyth, Poli Sci, and Pan's Labyrinth

twenty one eighty seven

In contrast, Lipsett’s films possess the ability to psychologically and emotionally affect the viewer. This powerful effect in accomplished because his films are an emotional reaction, not simply to the historical and institutional context of their creation, but to the condition of his mind. In this way, 21-87, transcends the category of avant-garde collage statement films to become an unconventional psychodrama.


The simplest building blocks of a good story are found in the Three Act Structure. Separated by Plot Points, its Act 1 (Beginning), Act 2 (Middle), and Act 3 (End) refer not to where in time in the story they lie but instead fundamental stages along the way.



[A hero ventures forth from the world of common day 
 into a region of supernatural wonder
fabulous forces are there encountered 
and a decisive victory is won
the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure 
with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.]
Joseph John Campbell



Archetypes in the Hero's Journey

[possibly the most perfect arrangement of notes ever conceived by man and the ultimate test of a woman's voice]




Pan's Labyrinth is really good. If you like the sound of the Spanish language (I do) and have the patience to sit through some dull scenes (worth it). Netflick it. Blockbuster it. Amazon it. (wait, don't. it's a "rent-not-buy").

See, I am a critic.

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